Evolve Summit 5.0 Spotlight on Mrs Nweke aka Karla God – Founder of Cryptosmart, Borderless Academy

Give yourself 6 months to learn a specific skill in web3

Mrs Karla Nweke- A Business Developer, Innovator, and Founder of Cryptosmart and Lead Partner @Borderless Spoke on the topic How to transition into the Web3 space from web2.

She began by commending Technoville for their impact on young people in the region and for their creativity.She said the next lesson to make it in the web3 space would be to Use the blockchain platforms eg Try buying crypto .

Mrs. Nweke referred to the popular quote “Jack of all trades, master of none’ and input that the complete ote is “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”It is better to Have an idea about many things and she explained this with an illustration of how complex the human body works: each oart having a specific function and yet needing the others. In the details, she inspired the audience,

  • Learn – Try it out and see how it works.
  • Pick a Skill
  • Then join a community,a Web3 community
  • Give yourself 6 months to learn a specific skill in web3.
  • Collaboration She made it clear how in the web3 space innovation is consistent and collaboration is part of making it in the web3.She inspired the audience to seek out Hackathons and be a part of it.She hinted that by Utilizing products you would discover areas in which you can provide solutions for.
  • Follow the money , Look for Grants

On that note she wrapped up her ted talk, leaving the young teenagers and entrepreneurs inspired to get a piece Of the Onchain Money.

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